Serving hot nutritious meals to hungry men, women and children

(Over 1,500,000 meals served since 1983)

What We Do

Our Daily Bread (ODB) serves free hot meals three days a week to hungry people without qualification or restriction. Participation in the program is the same for everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation or disability. Serving hours are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Who We Are

ODB is a non-profit community-supported outreach program of St. Thomas Episcopal Church that serves needy people in the area. It is staffed by one part time program director and more than 100 volunteers from the local community. Individuals, churches, businesses, service clubs and other organizations contribute regularly to the program. ODB was started in 1983. ODB currently serves over 280 diners per day.

Where We Are

The Our Daily Bread dining hall is located at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Sunnyvale at the corner of Sunset and McKinley across from Washington Park. The address is: Our Daily Bread 231 Sunset Avenue Sunnyvale , CA 94086

Diners' Stories


Mike is over 65 years old and worked as a self-employed repairman most of his career. When the recession hit, he could no longer make a living. His situation is further compounded because he has limited use of one arm due to childhood polio. These days he finds himself playing music on street corners for extra cash. Mike sleeps on the floor of a

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Robert is a regular diner at ODB. He is in his fifties and started his career as a Manufacturing Engineer. His life dramatically changed and his career ended when he suffered a traumatic brain injury in 1990. He survives on a small disability income. He sleeps in an RV with no heat, a leaky roof, and minimal cooking facilities. Over the past ten years

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Kenny is a 68 year old retiree who has been coming to ODB for a hot meal for the past eight years. He suffers from Muscular Dystrophy and is confined to a wheel chair. Kenny says “ODB keeps me healthy. It gives me faith and hope. It is a blessing”.


Mary is in her sixties and has been coming to ODB for a hot meal for the last seven years. Although she was employed as a graphic designer for over 40 years, she has not been able to find steady work since 2003. In 2009, disaster struck when her mobile home exploded due to a gas leak and Mary lost her home, her car,

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